Day 21: orthodontist appointment from Piper and Molly, rest of the schoolday, long walk with the dogs, Traffic and then Target, Pizza and a wonderful last evening with the best exchange family

I stood up as normally, made myself my last oatmeal with peanut butter and banana and enjoyed every single bit of it! I got a DA hoodie as a present from my host family and it is the best hoodie I’ve ever had!!!✨✨✨ 🙂 Then I continued organising my suit case as good as possible and I started one new bracelet with a new knotting technique.

After that Patrick drove Piper, Molly and me to the orthodontist where the both had an appointment. It was such a big building and there where many orthodontist students from the JAX University and the ones who took care of Piper and Molly where so nice and we talked a lot about the US and this exchange in general. We stopped short at home again (on the way I saw also the JAX Football stadium 🏈) and then Patrick drove us to school where we first had lunch. In the first part of Lunch & Learn Piper talked to her math teacher and I hang out with Annemarie, Laura and Maggie. Piper and I spent the second half of lunch and learn together!

I had my last theatre history lesson afterwards and I will miss this class – it was so relaxed and they wrote a quiz about their lecture and the funny thing about it was that they talked (while writing it) about the answers and questions they had! Afterwards we just chilled in the classroom and I finished my first bracelet of the day and we played really cool ‚clap games‘.

My last period were in Chemistry where we talked about decays and I understood a lot of what they were talking about! I alao finished my second bracelet and that’s a new record!

After school I said goodbye to all the students I will never probably see again – it was a sad atmosphere and even if it felt weird I said „Have a great life!“ to a lot of them because I might never see them again! We drove home with Celia and on the way Piper went out of the car as usual to her soccer practice at Riverside. I had to say also farewell to Celia and I was very sad about this too!

In the next hour I went on a long walk with the dogs, walked to the river and listened to my favorite songs and appreciated every single moment!

Sarah drove Molly, Margot, Piper and me to Bolles and we went a last time over my favorite bridge. While Molly and Margot went to practice track and field Sarah drove Piper and me to Target – unfortunately there was a big work traffic but I was so happy when we finally arrived there and so I spend the last minutes of my last afternoon here at this pretty big supermarket with Piper and found the perfect water bottle for me – I love the color and it’ll remind me forever of this exchange and all the experiences here.

On the way back home I saw the Skyline from JAX at night and that was really beautiful. I finalized packing my suitcase, weighed it on a scale (was happy that it wasn’t to heavy) nad we all made pizza night together – with the delicious dough of Sarah everyone made their own pizza and after the baking we ate it at the back porch together and talked and talked and talked. I wanted this evening to last forever and it felt so familiar to me just to sit around with my host family that now feels like a part of my family! When Patrick got back home we hang out a little bit longer all together. Sarah, Piper and I made face masks together and everyone of the family put one sticker on my new water bottle and that was a wonderful celebrated moment. appreciated every single second of this time we had left together! 🙂

The Football stadium of JAX 🏈

Today was my last full day here! I will made a resume tomorrow in the airplane but I can’t tell how grateful I am for this day, for this three weeks and especially for the best host family on this planet, in the whole universe 🌌✨✨✨✨

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